Excel in AP®
US History
Updated 2020 – Follows the new CED!
Excel in AP®
US History

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Studying for AP® US History just got easier and more fun.
Our app is now available on iPhone and Android!
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Hundreds of
Practice Questions.
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Fun & Interactive
With our American History app get ready to enjoy preparing for your AP exam as you review over 400 years of history with over 400 questions.
Study questions are broken into all nine historical periods and contain three levels of difficulty as well as a mix of stimulus based and traditional questions.
There are two full multiple choice practice exams (all stimulus based) and practice short answer questions and a DBQ!
Play your way from Columbus to Clinton!
Made for Fun.
New Features for the Brand NEW App!
High-quality practice questions written by Advanced Placement Readers
Portable, flexible with the ability to review when you have the time
Game style format in which you earn points for completing each level or chapter
100s of practice questions at easy, medium, and difficult questions
Full 100 question-timed AP®-style practice exam
Bonus questions to test you knowledge of famous people and studies in AP US History
Meet the Teachers

Christine (Bond) Custred has taught AP United States History since 1998. She has been a College Board endorsed consultant since 2001, presenting at well over 90 AP Summer Institutes and numerous one and two day conferences. She currently serves on the Consultant Advisory Panel for the College Board and is a table leader for the AP United States History reading. She is a co-author of the REA AP US History test prep book and authored the AP review questions for the AP textbook Making America: A History of the United States. She currently teaches AP United States and AP World History at Edmond Memorial High School, Edmond, OK.

Ryan Parson has taught AP US History for the past 14 years and has served as a AP Exam reader for three years. He is a public school teacher in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Matt Jackson has taught AP United States History and AP Human Geography at Norman High School in Norman, OK. He has served as a reader and table leader for the AP United States History exam.

John Struck has been teaching for 34 years, beginning at Round Rock High School in central Texas and since 1987 in Fairfax County, Virginia. For the past twenty-four years John has been teaching at the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology – this year John has five sections of AP US history. John has been an AP US history reader since 1999 and is currently a table leader. John is currently a consultant for the College Board in AP US history for the last fourteen years. In 2008 John served on a teacher’s panel for the revision of the AP US history exam.

Britton Peveto earned a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from McNeese State University in Lake Charles, Louisiana. She also earned a Master of Arts in History from Lamar State University in Beaumont, Texas. Britton has taught Advanced Placement United States History for four years and Dual Credit/college level American History classes for twelve years at Lamar Institute of Technology, Galveston College, and Lamar State College Port Arthur. She also serves as a reader for the AP United States History exam.

Janine Draschner is a teacher in Social Studies at Falls Church High School in Fairfax County, Virginia. She has taught AP US History for eight years and has served as an AP US History exam reader and table leader. In addition, Janine is a College Board consultant for AP US History and a College Board mentor for AP US History teachers.

Emily Wolfe earned a Bachelor’s in Arts in Political Science and History from the University of California, Los Angeles. She also earned a Master’s in Arts from California State University, Fresno where she wrote her thesis on Franklin Roosevelt and his use of the media during his presidency. Emily has been teaching Advanced Placement United States History for seven years in Clovis, California. She currently serves as a reader for the AP United States History exam.

Matt Johnson began his teaching career at North Central High School in Spokane, Washington in 1999. He graduated from Eastern Washington University with a degree in Social Science education and a minor in English. He later continued his studies at Eastern and received a master’s in history. He is a National Board Certified teacher who currently teaches AP US History, regular US History and AVID. In addition to teaching, Matt currently serves as the department chair for Social Studies and is the AVID coordinator at his school. While in high school Matt was a student of AP US History and always wanted to teach the course recognizing that a passionate teacher can truly motivate kids to love the American story. He has now taught AP US for several years and has been an AP Reader for the past 6 years.

Bill Polasky, NBCT, has taught history for 25 years – currently at Stillman Valley High School in Stillman Valley, Illinois, where he is Division Chair and Lead Teacher for Social Sciences. Additionally, he serves as an Adjunct Faculty member at Rock Valley Community College in Rockford, Illinois, where he has taught United States History survey. Bill holds two B.A. degrees and two M.A degrees from Northern Illinois University, in Political Science and History, and History and Educational Administration, respectively. Having established the AP History program at Stillman Valley, he is a National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Certified Master Teacher, and is active within the College Board community; besides serving as an Educational Testing Service Exam Item Writer of DBQ, Short Answer, and Multiple Choice Questions for the National Exam, Bill has attended the National AP U.S. History Exam Reading since 2000, serving as a Reader, Table Leader, or Early Arriving Table Leader (formerly called Exam Leader) during that time. As a National Consultant to the College Board, he has served or currently serves as the faculty consultant / presenter for numerous one day training sessions and AP US History Summer Institutes throughout the country, providing training for hundreds of teachers across the country over the past 20 years. He is the Online Presenting Faculty Instructor of AP US History for The Princeton Review’s GETAFIVE Online AP Learning Platform (2013-present), a co-author of the Bedford AP US History Survival Guide (2014), the author of the Teacher’s Manual for Documenting United States History: Themes, Concepts, and Skills for the AP Course (2015), and has served as a contributing author on numerous AP US History textbook ancillary and support materials.

Patti Harrold taught for 42 years and was, at her retirement, social studies department chair at Edmond Memorial High School in Edmond, Oklahoma, where she taught AP U.S. History, AP European History, AP World History, AP Art History, and AP German. She also, most recently, worked for College Board where she was in charge of instructional design for AP US, AP European, and AP World histories, and the Lead for AP Art History. Ms. Harrold is currently an AP Reader for European History and a College Board consultant through which, for 27 years, she has presented at more than 100 College Board and AP workshops and week-long institutes. She has written and edited many AP History publications, both for College Board and independent publishers. She received the College Board’s Southwestern Region AP Special Recognition Award and the 2004 National Secondary Teacher of the Year Award from the National Council for the Social Studies. Ms. Harrold holds a BA from Oklahoma City University and an MS from Lamar University